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ARCH 111


  • Communication, visualization and representation techniques in different mediums. Architectural representation methods, tools and techniques, expression methods of design ideas, architectural elements and formal attributes. Orthographic projection, free-hand drawing, architectural photography, communication models in the digital medium.This page contains drawings, models and visuals related to the lesson we made in our ARCH 111 course.


Our line homework

In this assignment, we drew the structure given above either with horizontal lines or with only vertical lines.


Cumhurbaşkanlığı Senfoni Orkestrası

In this assignment, we went to the CSO building and took a lot of photographs from different angles and places, and drew the photographs using tracing paper.



Our homework to prepare a poster for an exhibition at school.


Tracing drawing of the building above and photographs, drawings of our CSO assignment.

Steltman Chair


The iconic Steltman chair was originally designed by Rietveld as a commission for the Steltman jewellery store in the Netherlands. Rietveld designed two chairs in a mirror image of one another, where clients could sit when they selected their jewellery, so there is both a left-handed and right-handed chair.The Steltman Chair is built on the basis of the original drawing by Rietveld from 1963. The design is available in a solid oak version and an upholstered variant in fabric or leather. The wooden version is made of solid quarters of sawn oak, matt lacquered or stained in whitewash or black.While making this model, I first drew rectangles of the same size as the parts in the model on paper, then created small pieces from the rectangular prism expansion, then added attachments to the ends of some parts and cut the ends of the other parts, and assembled these parts without using any glue.

ARCH 112

You can click here to look at the photos I explained and shared on my home page in more detail. I have also made a separate section here so that you can better understand which course it belongs to.

ARCH 112

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-05-11 133343.png
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-05-11 132754.png
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-05-11 132926.png
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-05-16 132635.png

Technical Drawings

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